
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spinach Lasagna with ground turkey

I am still on a mission of using up what I have frozen in the freezer from last summer so I can empty it for this years season.

 I will start with the sauce.

1 gallon size container of frozen roma tomatoes (thawed) from last years garden
1 28 oz can of tomato sauce
1 10 to 14 oz of puree
1 small 4 oz of paste
1 garlic bulb peeled and separated and minced in mini food processor ( we are big garlic eaters)
sea salt and pepper
crushed red pepper
1-2 lbs of ground dark turkey
chopped onion
1 quart size frozen spinach (thawed)from last years garden
1 28 container of low fat ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1 large pkg of shredded mozzarella

I put the 1st nine ingredients in a stock pot and bring to a boil, then simmer for a couple of hours to bring the romas flavor out, you can add spice of your choice

I spray a frying pan with olive oil spray and saute my onion, then add my turkey meat and brown.  I add this to the sauce after the sauce has simmered awhile. I add some freeze dried jalapeno for a little hot.

This makes a good sauce and you will have enough to use for several meals.

Boil or steam the spinach in a small amount of water until just wilted
Mix the ricotta and eggs together in a separate bowl until creamy


Boil the noodles according to the package
Spread enough sauce to cover  9x13
layer one row of noodles
spread 1/3 ricotta mixture on next
then 1/3 spinach
then mozzarella
then start over with sauce and repeat ending up with mozzarella
Bake covered with tin foil at 350 for 60 minutes then uncover and bake @ 10 min til cheese melts

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogland :)!! I'm excited to see all your good food. You always were a much better cook than me :).
