
Monday, May 9, 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day!  I slept in which means 8 am, my husband made me breakfast and decided he would vacuum the house (this is a first, trust me)  I had to take a picture.

We enjoyed the warm weather outside and Keith stayed in with allergies acting up again.  This year has been bad for allergies here.  Could have went out for dinner but wanted to try making my own burgers the way a friend showed me last week.  She purchased a boneless rump rust on sale and cut off the fat, cut it into chunks and grinded/ chopped  it in the food processor. I used my burger press and formed nice patties and seasoned with sea salt and fresh ground pepper and a little Worcestershire sauce. On the grill and they were great.  We had this with roasted butternut squash, garlic, onion and seasoned with some fresh ground nutmeg, sea salt and pepper and drizzled with olive oil.  Yukon Gold simple potato salad.    YUM..this was good for me. KC cooked the burgers just right and such an easy day!

Yukon Gold Simple Potato Salad

6 Yukon Gold potatoes peeled and cut into chunks for salad
Onion and celery chopped to your liking
2 boiled eggs chopped up
Miracle Whip  - just enough to make it real moist

Ended with a beautiful sunset.........

Now it's back to the normal routine on Monday.  Work, Work and more Work........

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